Our resource page is frequently updated as we become aware of available resources for families and educators. Check back often!
Local Service Providers
Sense Able Brain – A local occupational therapy office serving children in Lutz
Hearing Tests Hillsborough County – Free diagnostic hearing evaluations are available for children residing in Hillsborough County, aged 6 months to high school graduation, by appointment only. Evaluations are completed at Seminole Elementary School in Tampa. For more information call (813) 276-5561 or visit the website.
General Books
A Mighty Girl – Website featuring books, movies, music, toys, and more that encourages positive self-esteem, courage, confidence, risk taking, role models, etc.
Self Esteem Shop – An independent bookstore featuring thousands of books and other resources to support wellness and positive mental health.
Books That Heal Kids – This website organizes hundreds of different children’s books by topics and provides a brief summary of the book.
Books on Divorce – This page discusses 11 different books that address divorce for children
Dyslexia Explained – A free downloadable resource that introduces challenges, strengths, and strategies related to dyslexia
What Is Dyslexia – An in depth discussion of dyslexia including addressing myths and misconceptions about dyslexia
FAQs about Letter Reversals – Great information about why kids reverse letters, developmental expectations, and opportunities for support
International Dyslexia Foundation – Wealth of resources and information about dyslexia
What Really Matters When Working With Struggling Readers – Article by Richard Allington
Intensifying Mathematics Interventions for Struggling Students – Book with evidence based math interventions
Dyscalculia Fact Sheet – One page introduction to dyscalculia
The Dyscalculia Toolkit: Supporting Learning Difficulties in Maths – Book with evidence based strategies to support students with math concepts
Autism Spectrum
Autism Characteristics – Resource from Ohio on common characteristics of Autism Spectrum Disorder
OCALI – Lots of resources related to supporting youth with autism
Emotional Regulation
Go Zen – Online modules for anxiety, well-being, addressing negative thought patterns, anger, and more
De-Escalation Strategies for Defusing Meltdowns – Despite a lot of clutter on the page, there are some great tips here on de-escalation
The Science of Mindfulness – YouTube video sharing some of the science and reasoning behind mindfulness
Mindfulness Introduction for Kids – Thought Bubbles – YouTube with short introduction to mindfulness for kids
Grief and Loss
Dougy Center – Organization focusing on grief support for families with great resources
Willow House – Organization focusing on grief support for children and families
College and Disabilities
ETS Disability Documentation Requirements – For ETS administered tests, this website details the documentation requirements for accommodations
Preparing Students With Disabilities for College Success – Book detailing steps, resources, and considerations for transitioning students
University of Tampa Documentation of Disability Requirements
University of South Florida Documentation of Disability Requirements
National Organizations
National Organization of School Psychologists – Learn more about school psychologists training, experience, and services; also host a wide variety of resources for families across topics
National Alliance on Mental Illness – Filled with information about various mental health challenges, including signs/symptoms, treatments, and support opportunities
National Sleep Foundation – Educating and advocating for sleep’s critical role in all of our lives
Sleep Education – In depth information about healthy sleep and sleep disorders